A great way to persuade others. It's very easy

In my blog, Placebo Suggestion, I did intend to specifically discuss the placebo and suggestion. Of course suggestion, the power of suggestion, and understanding the correct suggestion. Sometimes I feel sad, when someone asked me about "how to persuade?".

1. "Aunt Lydia. how the hell do I, persuade my daughter to study hard ??. "
2. "Auntie, how do I order my men was on according to which, pursuant to me ??".
This becomes a big question for me. Do they have never met with anyone else? Are these people living alone in the woods, never get along with people, never interact, communicate with others, so do not know how persuade people. Hehe .. lest you who are reading my writing, also feel confused about how "how persuade people".


Actually, if you want to know how persuade person, then my advice you should understand correctly first, what it is called by the suggestion. Well, I reiterate here, understand correctly.

I often find many people who met me and inquired about the suggestion, even among those of my friends, have learned about hypnosis, hypnotherapy. Weird weird huh ?, not ?. Is not that strange. Yes but that's what happened hehe. lol ..

Supposedly if you've studied hypnosis and hypnotherapy certainly understand the meaning and significance of suggestion correctly. That's why to straighten understandings wrong in our society, I wrote back in the blog "Placebo Suggestion" is, so that misunderstandings can be reduced.

Suggestion, has a meaning as a suggestion, the suggestion comes from the English language is "suggestion", suggestions, yes, that means that suggestion. The definition of "advice" that what ?. Saran is a sentence, a series of words arranged, which is delivered by a person either directly or indirectly. A suggestion could be submitted by a person directly, can also be submitted by the "media". For example, through television, through books, through billboards, through films, soap operas, through songs and a lot of other means or through any other media. 
Yes, indeed, if we want to realize that everything around us is a suggestion. Including when you talk to someone, it means you have to give advice to others.

Giving "advice" is equal to "persuade", right ?, then you never dong persuade people, meaning that everyone already knows how persuade people, namely the "talk", by giving advice to others. So if you ask me, "how persuade others, the answer is" talk ", right? then if you do not know how to talk to others?.
Would have been able to speak right ?, if you've grown it would have been able to speak. Except for small children under five, which is not yet able to speak it do not know how persuade others. Improve your understanding of suggestion, so that you do not exaggerate, that impressive word "suggestion" was associated with the mystical, when in fact the word suggestion is the word mediocre, and arbitrarily people who can still breathe it still can persuade and can be suggestible by other people.

Thank you.

Please read previous good article

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